Altitude hosts career session with local high school students

Altitude worked with the Pennsylvania College Access Program (PA-CAP) to hold a career session with a group of high school students interested in graphic design as a college major.

Justin Scheetz and Liesel Miksits, two of Altitude’s in-house designers, spent several hours with the students – answering questions, talking about their career paths and giving hard-won tips to the students to use on their future graphic design journey.

Maura Brennan was one of the students who joined. Here’s what she had to say about her experience at Altitude:

Altitude Marketing’s presentation made me fall even more in love with graphic design. I’m very happy I took the opportunity to meet with Justin and Liesel because it affirmed my desire to pursue design in college.”

She also found the Altitude work environment intriguing:

“I liked the work they produce, not only because the designs are creative, but you can tell a lot of thought goes into each project. Each piece is  attractive to the eye, understandable, and able to sell the product. I also loved the work environment because as serious as their business is, the employees can also have fun and take breaks. It is clear that the employees enjoy their jobs.”

What is PA-CAP?

The Pennsylvania College Access Program (PA-CAP) is a nonprofit statewide educational program that provides assistance to families with students who are applying for college, business and technical schools. PA CAP assists in choosing the right school, completing the financial aid forms, and finding scholarships and student loans.

Altitude co-founder Stan Zukowski and his wife, Shea, are taking advantage of PA-CAP’s services to help them find the right schools for their son, Isaiah, a senior at Emmaus High School. Choosing “the right school” means finding the place that not only has the best academic programs, but also the right social environment and the most amount of financial aid and scholarships.

“PA-CAP has been a tremendous help,” Stan said. “The world of college admissions has gotten a lot more complicated than when I went to school back in the 80s. It’s a very stressful process. Thanks to PA-CAP, my wife, son and I no longer want to kill each other every time we mention the word college.”

If you’d like more information on how you can become involved in PA-CAP and/or would like to host a question and answer session, please email Lindsay at [email protected].