Intern Corner: My Summer from 30,000 feet


This summer I was lucky enough to secure an internship at Altitude Marketing. As a double major in Marketing and Media and Communications, I couldn’t have asked for a better opportunity to learn firsthand how the industry works.  And boy, have I learned.

From the moment I walked in for my interview, I knew that Altitude was different. I felt a bit out of place in my suit and tie when I looked around and saw shorts, t-shirts, and bare feet. Their casual appearances, however, by no means reflected the level of work being done. For a company that only has six full-time employees, Altitude is a place bursting with creativity, hard work, and enthusiasm. Rather than isolate employees in cubicles, the office space is open and allows for input from everyone. I never worked at a marketing firm before I came to Altitude, but I know I would be hard pressed to find another just like it.

Altitude Marketing gives interns high value work to do. My fellow intern, Morgan, and I are never short on our list of things to do.  We don’t just buy groceries or get coffee here, but actually contribute to major projects that involve high-priority clients. Whether it is mocking up sales presentations, writing press releases, or researching information, our job takes on a level of importance that you wouldn’t find working anywhere else. I was also able to sharpen my Adobe Photoshop skills to help make banner ads, and even see them go live on blogs, retailers and client websites. Working at Altitude has made me feel like I am part of something exciting.

In July, I was lucky enough to tag along on the annual Altitude Marketing company retreat to Jim Thorpe, PA.  It was a day filled with paintballing, river rafting, and fun.  How many college interns can say their company did that for them?  I’ll tell you what, that number isn’t too high.  It was a true testament to how much Team Altitude truly cares about those they work with.

I will take what I have learned here at Altitude and carry it with me for the rest of my career. There is nothing like a strong foundation to build from.  To Andrew, Gwen, Stan, Dave, Justin, and Amanda, thank you for making my summer worthwhile!
