The Marketing Agency for Security Technology Companies

Your business is about timing, location, and precision. So is ours. Like you, we need to be in the right place at the right moment, except our mission isn’t protection. It’s persuasion. When you need to influence the facilities and operations decision-makers who need asset and land security solutions, you need data science executed with precision, marketing automation built to evolve, and creative content that actually drives action. You need a B2B marketing agency that thrives in complex sectors and niche buyers. You need Altitude.

Deep Sentinel Logo

You're in the Business of Protection.

We’re in the Business of Results.

That’s why leaders in security technology and perimeter surveillance trust Altitude to find, connect, and convert new customers–no matter where they are.


Our world-class team of 36 specializes in integrated marketing tactics: from content creation, branding, SEO/SEM, website design, paid media, and more. But those are just our tactics. Our mission starts at 30,000 feet–to drive the results that will impact your business.


When it comes to specialized B2B marketing, we work at a higher level.

Years in Business
U.S.-Based Experts

Our Marketing is Integrated. It’s Also Exceptional.

We Generate Leads

Not just a lot of them. But the right ones. We're experts at executing the perfect mix of digital, trade media, organic, and paid tactics to bring your ideal buyer to your front door.

We Build Brands

Our unique combination of strategy, creative, messaging and real-world testing consistently drives identities that endure and results that matter.

We Grow Businesses

Your results are our finish line. Every strategy and tactic we execute leads toward one critical mission: Your success. That's why we take an integrated approach. We don't flip houses. We build them from the foundation up.

We Amplify Marketing Manpower

Our 36-member team accelerates the internal marketing resources for your corporations. We don't just become part of your team, we multiply your bandwidth.

Our Numbers Don’t Lie. They Rise.

We’ve helped an RFID manufacturer rebrand, grow revenue, and earn an acquisition by a global access control provider. We’ve increased conversions for a law enforcement case management software provider by 740%.

When you’re looking for results that gain Altitude, we’re ready to climb with you.

Our Case Studies Prove It.

We're Experts In

Marketing Strategy

Our team gets smart fast about your company and competitors, then combines experience and innovation to build intentional, insightful marketing strategies that get real-world results.

Technical Content

We're not afraid of technical jargon, because we know your success depends on building brand authority among an audience who speaks their own language. Our team becomes your subject matter expert, crafting content that feels fluent in industries that require complexity.

Lead Generation

Volume is irrelevant when your ICPs include difficult-to-reach facilities, property, and operations decision-makers. That's why our lead gen strategy is focused on precision, efficiency, and (most critically) conversion.

Web Development

Your website reflects the quality and precision of your products and services. That's why we build fast, beautiful interfaces that work on every device. Core to the design is UX, UI, and content that converts. We'll build to your spec, and deliver a world-class end product that bolsters your brand and brings you new leads..


When your buyers want to find a product, service, or innovation, they ask Google, even if you're the only solution in the world that can provide what they need. We make sure your content is served up before your competitors', and works to convert top-funnel users into actionable leads.

Digital Marketing

From Google and LinkedIn to integrated programmatic platforms, our team of experts develops and executes ad solutions that drive predictable revenue and 3x or better ROAS. That's because we know where to reach and how to influence your decision-makers.

A Word From Our Clients

Security and Surveillance Marketing Agency FAQs

A security and surveillance marketing agency is a specialized firm that focuses on promoting and selling security solutions and products to other businesses, rather than individual consumers. These agencies are experts in the security industry and provide a range of marketing services tailored to the unique needs and buyers of security manufacturers and solution providers.

Their services may include market research, branding, digital marketing, sales strategy development, and supply chain solutions. By leveraging industry knowledge and marketing expertise, a B2B marketing agency aims to enhance its clients’ market presence, connect them with potential business customers, and ultimately drive sales and growth within the competitive security and surveillance market.

By partnering with a surveillance and security marketing agency, companies can leverage specialized expertise to not only raise awareness of their solutions but also to position themselves as credible and trustworthy entities in a highly competitive space.

We are 36 full-time team members (all based in our Emmaus, Pennsylvania HQ), along with more than a dozen on-demand contract workers worldwide. Our team is built to scale with our security solutions clients’ needs. We deploy dedicated account teams for every client, with experts assigned based on industry and need. These teams – led by our partners – are designed to stay as consistent as possible throughout the engagement.  

Our ideal client:

  • Is a technical company selling to other businesses
  • Has a small marketing team or a distinct need (e.g., marketing automation consulting or content production)
  • Values candid counsel
  • Can comfortably support a monthly budget of $6,000 or more

Obviously, that covers a lot of ground. Our clients include massive global brands, as well as well-funded startups and growth-stage firms, as well as everything in-between.

Every marketing firm has its own rate structure. Most full-service agencies, however, charge based on a “retainer” model, allowing for a set amount of hours of work each month.

In general, assume that a B2B marketing agency costs at least $8,000/month for professional services, plus at least $2,000 in media spend.

Measuring the success of a B2B marketing campaign involves a combination of quantitative metrics and qualitative insights to capture the campaign’s impact on your target audience and business goals. Here are key indicators to consider:

  1. Lead Generation and Quality: Track the number and quality of leads generated through the campaign. High-quality leads are those that fit your target customer profile and show a genuine interest in your solutions, indicating a higher likelihood of conversion.

  2. Engagement Metrics: Analyze engagement metrics such as website traffic, time spent on site, and interaction with content (downloads, webinar sign-ups, etc.). Increased engagement with campaign materials suggests that your messaging resonates with your audience.

  3. Conversion Rates: Monitor conversion rates from leads to opportunities and from opportunities to customers. A successful campaign should yield a noticeable improvement in conversion rates, demonstrating an effective call to action and audience alignment.

  4. Customer Feedback and Sentiment Analysis: Collect feedback from customers and analyze sentiment about your brand and products on social media and other online platforms. Positive feedback and sentiment growth indicate effective brand positioning and campaign messaging.

  5. Return on Investment (ROI): Calculate the ROI of your campaign by comparing the revenue generated from converted leads against the campaign’s costs. A positive ROI demonstrates financial success and justifies the investment in the campaign.

  6. Market Share Growth: Evaluate any changes in your market share within the biotech industry. Gaining market share following a campaign can signal successful differentiation and increased brand preference among your target audience.

  7. Awareness and Brand Recognition: Measure the increase in brand awareness and recognition using surveys, social media mentions, and media coverage. Increased awareness is a precursor to engagement and conversion, crucial for long-term growth.

By combining these metrics, security and surveillance comapnies can gain a comprehensive understanding of their marketing campaign’s performance, allowing for data-driven decisions to optimize future marketing efforts and strategies.

Yes, a B2B specialized marketing agency can significantly assist with investor relations and fundraising efforts. These agencies specialize in communicating the value and potential of biotech innovations to a wide range of stakeholders, including potential investors, partners and the broader market. Here’s how they can help:

  1. Strategic Messaging: A marketing agency can help develop a compelling narrative around your technology, its benefits and its market potential. This narrative is crucial for attracting interest and investment.

  2. Investor Presentations and Materials: They can create professional, informative, and engaging presentation materials tailored to the investor audience. These materials can include pitch decks, executive summaries, and financial models that clearly articulate the investment opportunity.

  3. Public Relations: By leveraging their networks and expertise in public relations, these agencies can increase your visibility in the industry, helping to attract the attention of investors and partners.

  4. Digital Marketing: Through targeted digital marketing strategies, including social media, content marketing, and email campaigns, agencies can help raise awareness and build a community of supporters around your biotech venture.

  5. Event Planning and Management: Agencies can organize and manage events such as investor days, webinars, and conferences that provide opportunities to directly engage with potential investors and partners.

  6. Market Research and Analysis: They can conduct market research and analysis to identify potential investors and partners, understand their interests and concerns, and tailor your approach to meet their needs.

Fill out the form at or call 610-421-8601 x122.

Ready to work with the B2B Marketing experts?

We help leading business-to-business brands blow away their marketing goals. Get in touch to learn what Altitude Marketing can do for your company.