6 Research Steps Manufacturers Should Take Before Launching a Marketing Campaign

Phil Baily

Market research is a crucial component when developing a successful marketing strategy in the manufacturing industry. By understanding market trends, consumer behaviors, and competitor actions, manufacturers can make informed decisions that will drive their business forward.

In this blog post, we will outline six key steps that manufacturers can take to conduct effective market research and use the insights gained to inform their marketing strategies.

Girl typing on computer for market research

Enhancing Manufacturing Marketing: 6 Steps for Efficient Research

Define Your Objective

Starting market research without clear objectives is like getting on a flight with no destination in mind. You need to know where you’re going. It’s crucial for manufacturers to know what they want to achieve before diving into the research.

Ask yourself:

  • What am I hoping to achieve through my research?
  • Am I looking to identify new target markets, understand customer preferences, or assess the competitive landscape?

Objectives help measure how well the research is going. They let you see if you’re getting closer to your goals or if you need to adjust your approach. Without clear objectives, it’s hard to tell if the research is on track. It gives direction, helps measure progress, promotes teamwork, guides resource allocation, and ensures accountability throughout the process.

Identify Your Target Audience

You need to figure out who your ideal customers are and understand their needs, preferences, and behaviors.

This is essential because:

  • By knowing who you’re trying to reach, you can create messages and strategies that resonate with that specific audience. This increases the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and maximizes your return on investment.
  • You can uncover insights about their purchasing habits and decision-making process. By diving into their demographics, psychographics, and buying behaviors, you can pinpoint what influences their choices and how to best appeal to them.
  • It enables you to anticipate and respond to their needs more effectively

By focusing on a specific group of consumers, you can position your brand as the preferred choice within that niche. This strengthens your competitive advantage and enhances your ability to attract and retain customers.

Choose the Right Research Methods

Selecting the appropriate research methods is crucial when conducting market research to inform your marketing strategy.

By choosing the right methods, you can gather relevant data efficiently and effectively, enabling you to make informed decisions that drive your business forward.

One commonly used research method is surveys. Surveys involve gathering information from a sample of respondents through structured questionnaires.

  • For example, a manufacturer of medical devices may conduct surveys to gather feedback from surgeons and hospital administrators. Questions might focus on device performance, ease of use, pricing, and customer support satisfaction. Analyzing responses helps identify areas for improvement and tailor marketing strategies to meet customer needs effectively.

Another valuable research method is interviews. Interviews involve direct conversations with individuals to gain in-depth insights into their thoughts, opinions, and experiences.

  • For instance, a software manufacturer might conduct interviews with IT managers, software procurement officers, and department heads in various industries. These interviews could include topics such as software integration, data security requirements, and user experience preferences. Insights gained from these interviews can inform software development and marketing strategies tailored to the specific needs of B2B clients across different sectors.

Data analysis techniques, such as regression analysis and predictive modeling, can help uncover patterns and relationships within large datasets.

  • For example, a manufacturer of automotive parts may use regression analysis to identify factors that influence customer satisfaction and loyalty based on historical sales and customer feedback data. These insights can inform marketing strategies aimed at improving customer retention and driving repeat business.

Surveys, interviews, observational research, and data analysis techniques each offer unique advantages and insights that can help you better understand your target market and make data-driven decisions.


Analyze Data

Once data is collected through chosen research methods, analyzing it is the next step.

Techniques like statistical analysis help spot trends, while qualitative methods like thematic analysis dig deeper into responses. Tools like sentiment analysis can gauge overall feelings toward the industry or topic.

This analysis will be the guide to your product development, marketing strategies, and efforts to improve your customer satisfaction.

Develop Actionable Insights

Once the data has been analyzed, it’s time to extract essential insights that will shape your marketing strategy.

  • What are the most significant findings from your research?
  • How can you apply these insights to set your brand apart, draw in fresh customers, or enhance your current products?

These insights might reveal emerging trends in consumer behavior or highlight areas where your products excel or need improvement. For example, you might discover that customers value the simplicity and reliability of your software over flashy features offered by competitors. Armed with this knowledge, you can emphasize these strengths in your marketing campaigns to attract new clients.

You also might find untapped market segments or niche opportunities that your brand can capitalize on. Maybe there’s a demand for specialized manufacturing solutions tailored to a specific industry or demographic. By recognizing and catering to these unique needs, you may be able to carve out a distinctive position in the market.

By turning your research findings into actionable insights, you equip yourself with the knowledge needed to make strategic decisions.

Implement Your Findings

After completing the market research, the final step is to incorporate your findings into your marketing strategy.

Use the insights you’ve gathered to refine your messaging, improve your product offerings, or effectively target new markets. It’s important to monitor the results of the changes you make and be prepared to adapt based on ongoing feedback and data analysis.

Let’s say your research reveals that customers are particularly drawn to the ease of use of your products. You might emphasize this aspect in your marketing materials to attract more clients. Similarly, if you identify a previously untapped market segment that has expressed interest in your products, you can tailor your marketing efforts to their specific needs and preferences.

By continuously refining your approach based on real-time feedback and analysis, you can make sure that your marketing strategy stays effective and responsive to the evolving demands of your target audience.


Conducting market research is a critical process for informing marketing strategies in manufacturing businesses. By following these six steps – defining objectives, identifying target audiences, choosing appropriate research methods, analyzing data effectively, developing actionable insights, and implementing findings – you can gain valuable insights that will drive business growth and success in a competitive marketplace.

By investing time and resources into thorough market research, manufacturers can make informed decisions that will set them apart from competitors and position them for long-term success. Remember, knowledge is power – and when it comes to marketing strategy in manufacturing, the right knowledge makes all the difference.

So take the time to conduct comprehensive market research and watch as your business thrives with strategic insight leading the way!

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Phil Baily

In his role as Content Marketing Specialist, Phil crafts a wide range of engaging, SEO-driven content for Altitude and our B2B clients, from blog posts to digital guides, written copy for core website pages and more. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English – Professional Writing from Kutztown University.