Life Sciences Content Marketing: How to Repurpose Content to Boost Reach

Gabriella Ciaccio

Producing high-quality content is crucial for engaging your target audience, disseminating information, and establishing authority in the life sciences. However, creating fresh content consistently can be time-consuming and resource-intensive.

Fortunately, there’s a solution: repurposing and extending the lifespan of existing content across various channels. By strategically repackaging and distributing your content, you can maximize its reach and impact without constantly reinventing the wheel.

In this blog, we’ll explore effective strategies for repurposing life science content and extending its lifespan across different platforms.

Fingers typing on keyboard

How to Repurpose & Extend the Lifespan of Your Life Sciences Content Across Different Channels

Convert Text-Based Content into Visual Formats

Visual content tends to be more engaging and shareable, making it ideal for capturing the attention of diverse audiences on platforms like social media.

This means that you can transform lengthy research papers, articles, and blog posts you’ve already created into visually appealing infographics, slide decks, or videos. All the hard work you’ve already done can have even more of an impact when you share it in different ways on different platforms.

Here’s why converting text-based content into visual formats is essential:

  • Engagement: Visual content grabs attention quickly and holds it for longer periods compared to text alone. Eye-catching visuals, vibrant colors, and compelling imagery stimulate audience interest and encourage them to explore further.
  • Accessibility: Visual content is inherently more accessible to a wider audience, including those who may prefer visual learning or have accessibility needs. By transforming text-based content into visually appealing formats, you make your information more inclusive and easier to understand for everyone.
  • Memorability: Visuals are processed by the brain faster and retained longer in memory compared to text. By incorporating visuals into your content, you increase the chances of your message being remembered and recalled by your audience.

Develop Multimedia Content from Research Findings

You probably do a ton of research, and it’s crucial to share your findings with your audience. However, the traditional research format can be lengthy and not particularly engaging.

Consider leveraging multimedia formats such as podcasts, webinars, or virtual workshops to present your research findings in an interactive and accessible manner. Invite experts for interviews, host panel discussions, or conduct live Q&A sessions to foster engagement and facilitate knowledge exchange.

Repackage Content for Different Audiences

Tailor the messaging of content you’ve already created to resonate with the interests and concerns of specific target audiences. Identify their pain points, aspirations, and motivations, and craft content that speaks directly to them. Use language, tone, and imagery that align with their preferences and communication style.

Here are some examples of life science audiences and strategies for repackaging content to suit their specific needs:

General Public/Non-Experts

Audience Profile: This group comprises individuals with a general interest in science but may not have a specialized background in life sciences.

Repackaging Strategy: Simplify complex scientific concepts into layman-friendly articles, blog posts, or infographics. Use engaging storytelling, real-life examples, and relatable analogies to make the content accessible and understandable to a non-expert audience.

Healthcare Professionals

Audience Profile: Doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals involved in patient care and treatment.

Repackaging Strategy: Translate scientific research into practical applications and clinical insights that are relevant to healthcare practice. Develop clinical guidelines, case studies, or continuing education materials that provide evidence-based recommendations and best practices for patient care.

Policy Makers/Regulators

Audience Profile: Government officials, policymakers, and regulatory agencies responsible for shaping healthcare policies and regulations.

Repackaging Strategy: Present scientific evidence and research findings in formats that are conducive to policy-making and regulatory decision-making. Prepare policy briefs, white papers, or policy recommendations that highlight the implications of scientific research for public health, safety, and regulation.

Syndicate Content Across Relevant Platforms

There are so many opportunities to share your well-written, informative, engaging content! Instead of confining content to a single website or platform, syndication involves sharing it with other websites, blogs, publications, or social media channels that cater to similar or complementary audiences. This allows businesses like yours to amplify their reach, increase visibility, and drive engagement by tapping into different audience segments and distribution channels.

Syndicating content is crucial because it:

  • Maximizes Exposure: Syndicating your content across multiple platforms allows you to reach a broader audience beyond your existing followers or subscribers. By tapping into different channels such as industry publications, social media platforms, and online communities, you increase the chances of your content being discovered by new audiences who may be interested in your niche.
  • Builds Credibility: When your content is featured on reputable platforms or endorsed by influencers and thought leaders, it enhances your credibility and authority in your field. Syndicating content through guest posts, collaborations, or endorsements establishes you as a trusted source of valuable information and expertise, earning the trust and respect of your audience.
  • Drives Traffic and Engagement: Syndicating content across relevant platforms generates traffic back to your own website, blog, or social media profiles. By strategically placing links and calls-to-action within your syndicated content, you can drive traffic to your owned channels and encourage further engagement, such as likes, shares, comments, or subscriptions.

Consider the following strategies to effectively syndicate content across relevant platforms:

  • Submit Guest Posts: Identify industry publications, blogs, or websites that cater to your target audience and accept guest contributions. Submit high-quality articles and blog posts you’ve already created that provide valuable insights, expertise, or thought leadership in your niche. Ensure that your content aligns with the publication’s audience and editorial guidelines to increase the likelihood of acceptance.
  • Collaborate with Influencers: Partner with influencers, experts, or thought leaders in your field to co-create and promote content to their followers. Collaborative projects such as webinars, podcasts, interviews, or joint blog posts allow you to leverage their existing audience and credibility to amplify your message and expand your reach.
  • Participate in Online Communities: Join relevant online forums, groups, or communities where your target audience congregates. Contribute valuable insights, share your expertise, and engage in meaningful discussions related to your content niche. When appropriate, share links to your own content as a resource or solution to address community members’ questions or concerns.


Repurposing and extending the lifespan of your life science content across different channels is not only a cost-effective strategy but a powerful way to maximize its impact and reach.

By creatively repackaging existing content and strategically distributing it across various platforms, you can engage diverse audiences, establish thought leadership, and drive meaningful conversations in the life sciences. Embrace these strategies to unlock the full potential of your content and elevate your brand’s visibility.

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Gabriella Ciaccio

Gab, content marketing coordinator, is a creative writer with over ten years of copywriting experience. In her role, she creates compelling content for Altitude and our global roster of clients. Always writing with the client in mind, she crafts content that increases brand awareness, boosts website traffic, drives leads and engages a client’s ideal audience.