How to Repurpose B2B Content: 7 Tips

Phil Baily

You spend too much time and money on B2B content to only use it once. Repurposing gives your content fresh life and more value. In this blog, we share seven tips to help you repurpose B2B content.

Organizations create business-to-business (B2B) content to market to other companies. There are various benefits to B2B content marketing, but at the top of the list are increasing brand awareness, building trust with your audience, improving website traffic, generating leads and making sales. In short, B2B content is the lifeblood of your business.

There are many different types of B2B content, including:

  • Blogs
  • Guides
  • Case studies
  • Checklists
  • Infographics
  • Videos
  • Podcasts

Creating any one of these types of B2B content from scratch is a time-consuming process – conceptualizing, researching, creating, reviewing, publishing and distributing. And that’s just for a single piece of content.

What if you could get more mileage out of your B2B content? With repurposing, you can.

What Does Repurposing B2B Content Mean?

When you repurpose B2B content, you take content that already exists and use it in multiple formats. You can transform a video into text (and the other way around), key blog points into an infographic, and so much more.

Repurposing gives new life to your old content so your hard work isn’t forgotten and can be used longer. Plus, repurposed B2B content saves you time and resources, which is important when you’re busy with other key accountabilities.

This approach also allows you to appeal to different user preferences. Some people like reading blogs, while others are more interested in listening to podcasts. Then there are people who prefer watching videos with captions. Repurposing B2B content helps you meet these learning styles and makes your content more accessible.

Now that you know what it means to repurpose B2B content, let’s look at seven tips for success.

7 Tips for Repurposing Content

1. Involve Designers and Videographers at the Concept Ideation Stage

Every piece of content starts with the concept ideation stage. This process should include multiple team members, including a writer and designer and/or videographer, so you can talk through different ideas and determine the many ways you can leverage them.

For example, let’s say your team recently captured talking head footage of an internal subject matter expert, and now you’re reviewing that footage to find the story, note the best takes and finalize the script. In this meeting, you invite your team’s designer to a meeting to bring your ideas to the table. While the task at hand is about developing a video, the designer can offer valuable insight into how you can transform the same video content into another visual piece – like an infographic.

This can work for any type of content you’re developing. By talking through the ideas as a team, you get action items in place to transform one piece of content into different types of assets – all in one meeting.

2. Turn Existing Blogs Into an Infographic or Designed Checklist

Blogs are a perfect starting point for repurposing content. You already have the idea written down, so now you can transform your words into a visual medium, like an infographic or designed checklist. You can use any steps, tips or facts from your blog and pull them into an infographic format so people can visualize the information and see the useful highlights.

3. Transcribe a Video Into a Blog Post

Writing blogs every month helps boost your website’s SEO. But sometimes you don’t have time to write. The good news is you can take an existing video that has a narrator or talking head and transform the piece into a brand-new blog.

First, use your video software – like Adobe Premiere Pro – to export a transcription of your video. Next, spend a half-hour going through the transcription while listening to the video to ensure everything was captured correctly. Then, write a brief introduction to place at the top of the transcription to explain what the video is about. In the end, you’ll have a blog post with an embedded video that gives your users options and saves you time. It’s also great for Google because it shows you offer comprehensive information in more than one format.

4. Record Conversations With Subject Matter Experts and Turn Them Into Podcasts

Your company is full of subject matter experts. Find ones who like to talk and sit them down for a series of recordings that you can turn into a podcast.

Treat the recordings as casual conversations about specific topics relevant to your audience. Upload the recordings to a platform like Anchor to create your own podcast. It’s an interesting and engaging way to share knowledge with the world and give your company exposure. And when you’re done, you can even repurpose your podcast into a series of blog posts.

5. Create a Promo Video Based on a Website Service Page

Your website is a great starting point for repurposing B2B content. Service pages say a lot about what your company does – or, if you’re a software provider, your “how it works” page. These are great pages to turn into a promo video (or “teaser trailer”) for your company or solution, making the content more accessible to your audience.

The good news is you aren’t starting from scratch because the written content already exists. Take elements and information from the page and combine them with music, visuals and kinetic text.

Once the video is complete, you have a quick-hitting video that shares your company’s core message or value proposition – great fodder for social media.

6. Turn a Website Page Into an Infographic

Similar to how you turned a website page into a video, you can do the same thing with an infographic. Start by looking at the key points in the website copy. Is it focused more on how to use the software? Create an infographic with a step-by-step guide. Are you explaining the benefits of using the software? Make an infographic that highlights those benefits.

7. Turn Case Studies Into Videos

Case studies tell a complete story. What else tells a complete story? Videos. So, just like you turned a website page into a video, you can take the same approach with a case study. The main thing to remember is that the video will be more robust than a quick-hitting video, so you may want to involve a voiceover or talking head so that there isn’t too much reading that has to be done. Bonus points if you can get recorded footage from a client and weave it into the video!

tl:dr: Repurpose B2B Content

Repurposing B2B content allows you to maximize the impact of a single piece of content by expanding it into different formats. Make sure to include your graphic designers and/or videographers from the very beginning so that you can work efficiently and effectively.

After you repurpose your B2B content, it’s essential to have a follow-up strategy that gets the word out. Post about it on social media. Advertise in trade publications. Whatever you do, ensure there’s a plan for promoting the content so you can get mileage.

P.S. Whether you’re repurposing or starting from scratch, content marketing is a tall order. Need help? Here’s how to choose a partner that can help you get the most out of your content strategy.

Phil Baily

In his role as Content Marketing Specialist, Phil crafts a wide range of engaging, SEO-driven content for Altitude and our B2B clients, from blog posts to digital guides, written copy for core website pages and more. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English – Professional Writing from Kutztown University.