6 B2B Content Writing Ideas to Keep Your Marketing Fresh

Phil Baily

Coming up with fresh B2B content writing ideas can be overwhelming. The common roadblock: “We’ve done or said this all before.” To help you overcome this challenge, we put together a list of six B2B content writing ideas that will help you bring new life to how you tell your company’s story.

Content is the driving force behind your integrated marketing plan. To share a message, you need to create and distribute many types of B2B content.

In case you’re not convinced, here are some fast stats that show just how important B2B content writing is:

With these statistics to back up the value of content writing, here are… 

6 B2B Content Writing Ideas

  1. Answer Common Questions
  2. Use Data to Your Advantage
  3. Experiment with Different Formats
  4. Collaborate with Thought Leaders
  5. Tell A Story
  6. Personalize Your Content
Image that says: Bring new life to your story. 6 B2B Content Writing Ideas

#1. Answer Common Questions

The reason your company exists is to solve a challenge in a new or better way than the status quo in your industry.

You might have created content about your solution, but have you answered common questions about industry challenges? There’s a difference:

  • The former is self-promotional
  • The latter is educational

For example, say you provide cybersecurity software. An IT professional might be looking for answers about the latest threats facing businesses online. That doesn’t mean they’re ready to learn the ins and outs of cybersecurity software, but they will remember your company when they are ready if you can first provide an informative answer to their common question.

By producing this type of content, you’re saying: “Hey – We know what you’re struggling with at a deeper level.”

But why does this work, you ask?

  • Relevance: Your potential clients are often looking for solutions to specific problems or challenges they face. By addressing these challenges, you create content directly relevant to their needs and concerns.
  • Expertise: By discussing common challenges and providing informative answers, you showcase your company’s expertise in the field. This positions your business as a trusted source of knowledge and solutions, which can be particularly important in industries with complex problems like life sciences or software.
  • Trust: When you consistently provide content that helps your audience, you build trust … which is a critical factor in B2B relationships, as businesses want to work with partners they can rely on.

So, what’s the big picture? By tackling these challenges, you’re not just delivering content; you’re crafting your business into a go-to encyclopedia of wisdom and trust in your niche.

#2. Tell A Story With Data

Data-driven storytelling is foundational to B2B content writing. 

Why? Because B2B buyers trust the facts. 

Not only does data make your company credible, but it can also make your content more engaging and persuasive. People tend to trust and remember information that’s supported by data.

So, what topic can you refresh again with the latest data? What is data telling you about your industry, and what commentary can you provide on it?

For example, our client in the construction industry offers construction materials testing software. State-of-the-industry data led us on a year-long campaign all about Connected Construction – an idea rooted in and supported by data that might not have happened otherwise. Or maybe it would have, but it wouldn’t have been as powerful without that data.

Whether through your own market research survey or another trusted source, find ways to incorporate data into your content. This will help you stand out from your competitors and position yourself as an expert voice in your field.

#3. Experiment with Different Formats

B2B audiences are not a one-size-fits-all group. 

Some prefer to read in-depth reports, while others may enjoy watching videos, listening to podcasts, or interacting with content like quizzes or polls. (Did you know interactive content sees 52.6% more engagement than static content?)

B2B content writing is not limited to blog posts. In fact, content writing comes into play in all sorts of final deliverables, including infographics and videos.

This is great news for the busy marketer with low inspiration for new B2B content writing ideas. The ideas don’t have to be new! Experimenting with different formats allows you to repurpose existing content

You can, for instance, turn a well-researched blog post into a video, an infographic, or a webinar. This maximizes the value of your content and extends its reach.

So – embrace experimentation and adapt to the diverse content consumption habits of your audience. You’ll be able to be more flexible, reach a broader audience, and better connect with your customers. Don’t be afraid to explore new content formats in your B2B content strategy.

#4. Collaborate with Thought Leaders

Thought leaders are recognized as experts and influencers in their respective fields.

When you collaborate with them, you can borrow some of their credibility and authority, which can significantly enhance the perceived value of your content. 

This, in turn, can boost your brand’s reputation and trustworthiness.

Some other positives include:

  • Thought leaders often have substantial and engaged followings. Collaborating with them can help your content reach a broader and more targeted audience thus attracting new followers and customers to your business.
  • They have unique and fresh perspectives on industry trends, challenges, and solutions. Their contributions can provide a new angle or viewpoint that sets your content apart from competitors.
  • Thought leaders typically have high standards for their own work. When you collaborate with them, you’re more likely to create high-quality content that resonates with your audience. This can lead to improved engagement, customer retention, and even increased conversions.

Good news – you might not even have to go too far to find those thought leaders.

Look around at your employees. They are subject matter experts and thought leaders in their own right. Get them involved. (We’ve done it and so can you!)

Incorporating thought leaders into your B2B content strategy can be a win-win, offering your audience valuable insights, enhancing your credibility, and expanding your reach, all while strengthening your relationships within your industry.

#5. Tell A Story

Case studies never get old.

Maybe you’ve written about the same problem over and over again, but the success of your clients will never get tired. Even if it’s the same story, it’s impactful because that means another business is getting value from what you do. And your reader might be the next one.

Case studies work because they paint a picture for potential buyers about what it’s like to work with you. Crafting a compelling narrative in B2B content helps to humanize a brand or a product, making it more relatable to your audience. This connection builds a deeper, emotional engagement that sets the stage for trust and loyalty.

This emotional resonance is a powerful tool for B2B businesses, as it fosters a bond that goes beyond transactional relationships.

Still not convinced?

  • Stories have the ability to break down intricate ideas into digestible narratives, making them more accessible and easier to comprehend.
  • They’re not just about sharing facts; they are about influencing beliefs and behaviors. A well-crafted story can subtly guide the audience towards a desired action, such as considering a particular product or service.
  • Stories have a lasting impact. People remember stories more than they remember raw facts or statistics. This memorability factor keeps your brand and your content in the minds of your audience, making them more likely to turn to you when they are ready to make a decision.

Whether it’s through case studies, customer success stories, or personal anecdotes, finding ways to incorporate storytelling into your content can help you create a deeper connection with your audience.

#6. Make It Personal

Gone are the days of generic, one-size-fits-all content. Your next customer wants content that speaks directly to them.

The reality is, you probably have a few different target personas that could buy from you, whether it’s different job titles or the same role in a completely different industry. When you try to talk to all of these personas at once, your messaging gets muddied and the meaning can get lost on the reader.

Next time, try writing content directly to one specific target persona.

For example, sometimes we write blog posts that talk directly to our life sciences audience (“Social Media for Life Sciences Companies 101“). While some of these tips are evergreen across all personas, we tuned them specifically to the needs and questions of life sciences companies. This made it 100% relevant to the reader, instead of “kind of relevant.” And that personalization goes a long way.

Conclusion: B2B Content Writing Ideas

Creating engaging B2B content is a continuous process that requires experimentation and creativity, especially if you feel like you’re running out of ideas.

By incorporating these six content writing ideas into your strategy, you can build trust with your audience, position yourself as a thought leader in your industry, and ultimately drive more engagement with your brand. 

We hope these ideas help spark inspiration for your content calendar. If you need help making it happen, you know who to call.

Phil Baily

In his role as Content Marketing Specialist, Phil crafts a wide range of engaging, SEO-driven content for Altitude and our B2B clients, from blog posts to digital guides, written copy for core website pages and more. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English – Professional Writing from Kutztown University.